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Why Doc Asphalt

Safety Compliance

Liability for vehicle damage

a. Cracking, rutting, and potholes appear over a period of time degrading your pavement asset. Potholes are known to cause the most extensive and costly damage to your pavement asset.

b. Potholes in your lot do not just ruin your curb appeal – they can damage your customers’ tires, wheel rims, and suspension system. Worse, it can put safety at risk and cause accidents on your property that you’ll be liable for.

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why doc asphalt Why DOC ASPHALT close up picture back car driving through huge deep pothole asphalt road

Liability for injures

a. The owner of the premises may be held liable for any injury or damage that a customer suffers.

b. The owner needs to warn people of trip hazards in the parking lot pavement due to cracks, uneven areas, potholes, and other defects.

c. The owner also needs to repair these hazards quickly after they appear.

Conform to ADA compliance

a. Being ADA-compliant is not just about painting the international symbol of accessibility on pavement. This covers the scope regarding minimum requirements and provisions for handicap-accessibility in parking lots and similar facilities that are either newly designed, reconstructed or altered on or after March 15, 2012. Non-compliant facilities and installations can get fined or even face a civil lawsuit.



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Phone: 513-826-4338

why doc asphalt Why DOC ASPHALT parking space disabled people disabled parking icon parking lot other cars


Your asphalt is your property’s 2nd most expensive asset – PROTECT IT!

Doc Asphalt has been diagnosing and prescribing remedies for pavement assets for more than 35 years.

Doc Asphalt is accepting new pavements – so let us save you money by extending the life of your asphaltic surface. When the job is complete, Doc Asphalt will routinely perform an annual preventative checkup and give you the results to stay on top of your asphalt’s health for maximum performance at the minimum cost!

Per Doctor’s Orders, Asphalt Maintenance Solution is Customized Using Five Easy Steps:

Step 1: We thoroughly clean the surface with the proper tools and apply degreasers for fuel stains.

Step 2: We repair any damaged areas with the Right solution at the Right time in the pavement life cycle to prolong pavement life and avoid complete replacement ($$$).

Step 3: We sealcoat your asphalt surface to prevent further decay and oxidation, which will invariably end up costing you a lot more money (thousands of dollars) down the road.

Step 4: Stripe and stencil any parking stalls or icons.

Step 5: Secure the area and block access to protect your asphalt area during curing and drying.

why doc asphalt Why DOC ASPHALT dollar bills potholes road
why doc asphalt Why DOC ASPHALT aerial view new road construction with asphalt laying machinery work 1


The aesthetic look of a business or residence tells customers or buyers what they can expect to find on the other side of the door.

The exterior of your property will determine whether or not customers or buyers even want to take a look inside. Your pavement is the first interaction from the curb. Maximize your property’s value and let Doc Asphalt maintain your physical pavement asset to extend its life while improving its curb appeal. A view from the street can provide that first impression that invites visitors to your business.

why doc asphalt Why DOC ASPHALT Great Look 2

We are ready to serve you

Call DOC ASPHALT today

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2300 E. Kemper Rd, Unit A17
Cincinnati, OH  45241

Call us

(513) 826-4338

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